
Who can I complain to?

There are different organisations involved in managing complaints about health practitioners or students. The Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA) is the right place to make a complaint if you are concerned about a health practitioner in NSW behaving in a way...

Who can I complain about?

You can make a complaint about a registered health practitioner or registered student in NSW.

What should I know before making a complaint?

Information about who can make a complaint and the complainant's rights in the complaint process.
What you can complain about
You can make complaints to us about the clinical care and treatment, professional behaviour or health of a registered health practitioner in NSW.

Before lodging a complaint with us

What do you need to know before lodging a complaint with us? This section contains key informaiton that you need to know before lodging a complaint. This includes a guide on filling in online complaints form, information about filling in complaints form on behalf of...
About Us
We protect the public by managing complaints about medical practitioners in New South Wales. Established under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) , we are one of 14 NSW councils which focus on individual health professions. The Medical Council works...
