
Who can I complain to?

There are different organisations involved in managing complaints about health practitioners or students. The Health Professional Councils Authority (HPCA) is the right place to make a complaint if you are concerned about a health practitioner in NSW behaving in a way...

Who can I complain about?

You can make a complaint about a registered health practitioner or registered student in NSW.
Practitioner information
This section provides information for practitioners about how we manage complaints, and what you can do if a complaint is made about you.

What should I know before making a complaint?

Information about who can make a complaint and the complainant's rights in the complaint process.

A complaint has been made about you

This section provides information for practitioners about how we manage complaints and what they can do if a complaint is made about them.
About Us
We protect the public by managing complaints about medical practitioners in New South Wales. Established under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (NSW) , we are one of 14 NSW councils which focus on individual health professions. The Medical Council works...
