
Friend request or patient at best?

Privacy, confidentiality and trust are at the core of every doctor/patient relationship. With social media providing potential for others to connect and engage with us, how can doctors ensure they maintain professional boundaries with patients when online? At the same...
Cryotherapy: Are you getting it right?
Cryotherapy is often used in general practice, skin cancer medicine and dermatology to treat a number of common skin lesions. It is an established and inexpensive treatment and one of the most commonly used MBS items in general practice in Australia. A commonly used...

Data safety all a hack?

Have you ever used someone else’s credentials because they were already logged in? Do you try to cut corners by staying logged in to save time? Have you ever updated your patients’ notes or written a prescription using someone else’s login? If you answered yes to even...

An interview with Council President Associate Professor Richard Walsh

With a long and successful career in medicine, Associate Professor Richard Walsh comes to the Medical Council of NSW with a distinguished record. We spoke with Dr Walsh about his career and his vision for the Council as its President. Medical Council of NSW (MCNSW):...

Patient safety depends on timely, quality clinical handovers

Communication between hospitals and doctors can have an enormous impact on the health outcomes of patients, and it all starts with a humble discharge summary. Poor transfer of care arrangements between a hospital and a patient’s GP is a known risk to patient safety and...

Who's who in medical regulation?

It’s not top of mind but understanding how the regulatory puzzle fits together can be useful. Most practitioners don’t think about medical regulation, hoping they will never need to know. But every doctor has a reasonable chance of being the subject of a complaint at...

Avoid the risk: be open when you make a mistake

The Medical Council spoke to Dr Rosa Canalese, senior medical adviser at Avant and a Central Coast GP about communication strategies with patients when there’s been a mistake in clinical practice. Interview: MC: How should you communicate to a patient when they have...

‘Confidentiality trumps everything’: how to maintain patient privacy when communicating with family members

A family member rings and asks if Mum has been to the doctor today? Saying yes, could be a breach of confidentiality. So when can privacy be breached, and what do you do if a son or daughter rings and asks for their parents cancer results? Imagine a situation where a...

Access to information

We are required to make certain information available and respond to requests for information. This means that information will generally be released unless there is an overriding public interest against disclosure. From 1 July 2010 the Government Information (Public...

Interview with Bruce Battye Pharmaceutical Regulatory Unit

The Director the NSW Pharmaceutical Regulatory Unit, Bruce Battye discusses what his unit does and key prescribing issues doctors need to be aware of. What is the Pharmaceutical Regulatory Unit and what does it do? What type of prescribing creates the most trouble for...
