
Lodging a complaint

You can make a complaint to us or to the Health Care Complaints Commission. You need to make your complaint in writing. You can make a complaint using our online complaints form or by downloading a PDF version and completing complaints from which you can send to us by...
Complaints and concerns
You can make a complaint about the health, performance or conduct of a registered health practitioner in NSW. We have different pathways for managing these different types of complaint.
What you can complain about
You can make complaints to us about the professional performance, professional behaviour, or health of a registered health practitioner.

Complaint assessment

We manage complaints through our heath, performance or conduct pathway, depending on the issue.

Performance Pathway

Provides a summary the Medical Council's Performance Program.
Hearing member resources
Resources required by Council and Hearing Members.
Health pathway
The Council's Health Program supports doctors whose health is impaired, with the ultimate goal they return to full health. While they are recovering, conditions may be placed on their registration. These conditions may limit the type of work they do. Other conditions...
Conduct pathway
Some complaints about doctors will be referred to the Medical Council's conduct program. This program manages matters of unsatisfactory professional conduct, and may result in the imposition of conditions or suspension of a practitioner's registration. It may also lead...
Our newsletters
Newsletters published by the Medical Council.
Mandatory notifications
Health practitioners and their employers, as well as education providers, also have mandatory reporting (notifications) responsibilities under the National Law (NSW). Education providers, registered health practitioners and their employers must tell AHPRA if they have...
